Package-level declarations
Returns the value of this BigInteger number as a BigDecimal.
Returns the value of this Double number as a BigDecimal.
Returns the value of this Float number as a BigDecimal.
Returns the value of this Int number as a BigDecimal.
Returns the value of this Long number as a BigDecimal.
Returns the value of this Int number as a BigInteger.
Returns the value of this Long number as a BigInteger.
Returns the absolute value of the given value Array.
Returns the absolute value of the given value Iterable.
Computes the logarithm of the value x to the given base.
Computes the logarithm of the value x to the given Array bases.
Computes the logarithm of the value x to the given Iterable bases.
Computes the logarithm of the Array values to the given base.
Computes the logarithm of the Iterable values to the given base.
Rounds the given value Array towards the closest integer with ties rounded towards even integer.
Rounds the given value Iterable towards the closest integer with ties rounded towards even integer.
Rounds the given value this towards the closest integer with digits of rounding.