Package-level declarations
Convert numbers from english to other languages.
Return a Boolean if the string contains digit.
Return a Boolean if the string contains latin letter.
Return a Boolean if the string contains persian digit.
Return a Boolean if the string contains both letter and digit.
Return a Boolean if the string is alphanumeric.
Return a Boolean if the string is decimal number.
Return a Boolean if the string is integer number.
Return a Boolean if the string is a persian digit.
Get last path segment of the string.
append space in string builders
Returns a copy of this string having it's first letter title cased using the rules of the default locale, or the original string if it's empty or already starts with a title case letter.
Compact format numbers.
Decodes an application/x-www-form-urlencoded string using a specific encoding scheme.
Translates a string into application/x-www-form-urlencoded format using a specific encoding scheme.
Format string as credit card number.
Returns the substring from the given progression if exist otherwise return else block.
Returns the substring from the given range if exist otherwise return else block.
Checks that the length of a string is valid for block execution
Return true if string not null and not blank.
Return true if string not null and not empty.
Return true if string not null and not blank.
Return true if string not null and not empty.
Remove decimal part when Double number has decimal part.
Remove decimal part when Float number has decimal part.
Rotates the String to the left by specified distance.
Rotates the String to the right by specified distance.