Package-level declarations
In coroutines, we need special dispatchers for a scope, and in a large project to manage these dispatchers in the main source and test source, we can use the implementation of this interface.
Standard dispatcher implementation of DispatchersProvider with CoroutineDispatcher.
Test dispatcher implementation of DispatchersProvider with StandardTestDispatcher.
suspendedTryCatchBool used when you want to return a boolean value or return false if an exception is thrown in suspend functions.
suspendedTryCatchBoolean used when you want to return false if an exception is thrown in suspend functions.
suspendedTryCatchElse used when you want to return a default value if an exception is thrown in suspend functions.
suspendedTryCatchIgnore used when you want to ignore catch block if an exception is thrown in suspend functions.
suspendedTryCatchNull used when you want to return null if an exception is thrown in suspend functions.