Package-level declarations
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object YandexMetricaX
Assistant class for analytic processing in Kotlin.
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By default, the session times out if the app is inactive for YandexMetricaDefaultValues.DEFAULT_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS seconds. To change this time limit, pass the int sessionTimeoutSeconds method your time limit in seconds.
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inline fun Context.yandexMetrica(apiKey: String, init: YandexMetricaConfig.Builder.() -> YandexMetricaConfig.Builder)
Initializing the AppMetrica SDK with activating.
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inline fun yandexMetricaConfig(apiKey: String, init: YandexMetricaConfig.Builder.() -> YandexMetricaConfig.Builder): YandexMetricaConfig
Creates the new instance of YandexMetricaConfig.Builder with api key.