Package-level declarations


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fun DraggableTabRow(state: PagerState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primarySurface, indicatorColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary, shapeRadius: Dp = 16.dp, content: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit)

A TabRow contains a row of Tabs, and displays an indicator underneath the currently selected tab. A TabRow places its tabs evenly spaced along the entire row, with each tab taking up an equal amount of space.

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fun HorizontalPagerIndicator(pagerState: PagerState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, activeColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(alpha = LocalContentAlpha.current), inactiveColor: Color = activeColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled), indicatorSize: DpSize = DpSize(width = 8.dp, height = 8.dp), spacing: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(horizontal = 4.dp), indicatorShape: Shape = CircleShape, onIndicatorClick: (Int) -> Unit? = null)

A horizontally laid out indicator for a or, representing the currently active page and total pages drawn using a Shape.

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fun RowScope.LeadingIconTab(selected: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit, text: @Composable () -> Unit, icon: @Composable () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, shape: Shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp), enabled: Boolean = true, selectedContentColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current, unselectedContentColor: Color = selectedContentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.medium))

Tabs organize content across different screens, data sets, and other interactions.

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fun Modifier.pagerTabIndicatorOffset(pagerState: PagerState, tabPositions: List<TabPosition>, pageIndexMapping: (Int) -> Int = { it }): Modifier
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fun RowScope.Tab(selected: Boolean, onClick: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, shape: Shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp), enabled: Boolean = true, selectedContentColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current, unselectedContentColor: Color = selectedContentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.medium), content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit)
fun RowScope.Tab(selected: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, enabled: Boolean = true, onClick: () -> Unit, text: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, icon: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, shape: Shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp), selectedContentColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current, unselectedContentColor: Color = selectedContentColor.copy(alpha = ContentAlpha.medium))

Tabs organize content across different screens, data sets, and other interactions.

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fun VerticalPagerIndicator(pagerState: PagerState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, activeColor: Color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(alpha = LocalContentAlpha.current), inactiveColor: Color = activeColor.copy(ContentAlpha.disabled), indicatorSize: DpSize = DpSize(width = 8.dp, height = 8.dp), spacing: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(vertical = 4.dp), indicatorShape: Shape = CircleShape, onIndicatorClick: (Int) -> Unit? = null)

A vertically laid out indicator for a or, representing the currently active page and total pages drawn using a Shape.